
Monday March 2nd 2015
Four days before the trial was due to start the CPS have dropped the case. I can't thank everybody who help enough. I was in a stage of prolonged crisis. Up until recently it was being made very clear to me that "If I maintained my plea of Not Guilty I would have to pay the prosecutions court costs along with victim of crime fees had I lost, and that I was very likely to loose".
Legal Aid/Courts were reluctant to warrent expenses to obtain evidence from a professor about autism. As it would have costed £5k. Thankfully posting this blog got peoples attention. Last month I recieved my offical formal diagnosis. This alone was vital to having the case looked at more closely. The intial support I recieved from Mark Williams MP office saved me. They sat with me in court all day, when I would have been alone otherwise. Helped chase up the medical professional who had let me fall through the cracks of a broken system. From someone like myself that has little to no faith in politicians, It was amazing to see one actually get up, get out their and fight for me. They wrote letters on my behalf, made sure I was getting the level of support I was entitled to. I have been so driven my this fight, now it's over I don't know what to do. I have been so absorbed by this that I didn't think about how to adjust after my Nan dying. I don't know what to do with the rest of my life. Where I fit in, what I can contribute to my community. It is scary to be nearly 30 and having to ask yourself these questions. I will spend the next few months, voulenteering. Building my CV and confidence back up. I want to be able to enter the job market again. Thank you all once more for giving me hope when I had none. What ever future I have, it has been made brighter because of having had this understanding from so so many people.
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU


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